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Business Vocabulary in Use - (Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced)

Цветной принт формата А4 со сшивкой скобами и ламинированным покрытием.
(цена з. . фото 1

175 ГРН

Основная информация

Цветной принт формата А4 со сшивкой скобами и ламинированным покрытием.
(цена за одну)

Business Vocabulary in Use - Elementary-Pre-Intermediate
Business Vocabulary in Use - Intermediate
Business Vocabulary in Use - Advanced

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Business Vocabulary in Use is for students and professionals looking to expand their business vocabulary. Bringing learners up to date with the language they need for business today, this book explains words and expressions and also provides practice of using the new language.

Authors: Bill Mascull
CEF Level: B1 - C1

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Ключевые слова

mascull, business, vocabulary, ielts, pet, fce, cae, cpe, toefl, английский, english

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